Posted by Lindsay at 9/12/2013 01:51:00 PM 0 comments

Visualize Reading

Posted by Lindsay at 9/12/2013 01:15:00 PM 0 comments
I had to answer this one because of the topic. When I was young, I definitely read to escape. Upon reading the title and the author, I already had a feel of where I was going. When I read the first page, I was immediately enveloped in another world. Like the Pagemaster, I stepped through the book into a forest or a medieval castle and became the characters in the story or interacted with them. The word "visualization" does not quite describe the transformation I underwent with each reading. While the same is true today, I have less time to read, and I take the time that I can to disappear into a world of someone else's making, melding it with my own and with my own character.

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